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搜尋參考資料: 1.Hayley Westenra - Celtic Treasure - Amazon.com Music https://www.amazon.com/Celtic-Treasure-Hayley-Westenra/dp/B000MTDRJA Hayley Westenra's third CD, Celtic Treasure, is a somewhat misnamed as it isn't strictly "Celtic" -- it's an eclectic collection of songs that perfectly showcases her ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treasure_(Hayley_Westenra_album) Treasure (titled Celtic Treasure in some countries) is the third internationally released album by Christchurch, New Zealand soprano Hayley Westenra, released in 2007. hayleywestenra.com Official website for Hayley Westenra, updated with all the latest news on her album Paradiso with Enio Morricone Videos of Hayley Westenra / Treasure |
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